Chair of / Cátedra de /
Lehrstuhl für


Prof. Hubert Klumpner


Chair of Architecture and
Urban Design /  
Institute of Landscape- and
Urban Studies / LUS
Member of Network City and Landscape / NSL
Co-Director of ETH Wohnforum,
Centre for Architecture
Society and Environment / ETH Wohnforum / ETH CASE
Co-Founder and Members
of Institute of Science
Technology and Policy / ISTP
Member of the ETH Sustainability
Steering Committee
Informal Urbanism Regional
Hub of UN-Habitat Universities



New Book Chapter: 'Case Study - AI-powered Digital Twin for Sarajevo Urban Plan'

Edited by Paul Cureton and Elliot Hartley, this book explores a period of advancing urban infrastructure, technological autonomy in cities, and high-performance geographic systems, new capabilities, novel techniques, and streamlined procedures have emerged concurrently with climatic challenges, pandemics, and increasing global urbanisation. Chapters cover a range of topics such as urban digital twins, GeoBIM, geodesign and collaborative tools, immersive environments, gamification, and future methods. This book features over 100 international projects and workflows, five detailed case studies, and a companion website. In addition, this book examines geodesign as an agent for collaboration alongside futuring methods for imagining and understanding our future world.

Our Chapter, 'Case Study - AI-powered Digital Twin for Sarajevo Urban Plan', was written by Dr. Michael Walczak and Dr. Marco Pagani.

The companion website for this book can be accessed at