Prof. Hubert Klumpner
Chair of Architecture and
Urban Design /
Institute of Landscape- and
Urban Studies / LUS
Member of Network City and Landscape / NSL
Co-Director of ETH Wohnforum,
Centre for Architecture
Society and Environment / ETH Wohnforum / ETH CASE
Co-Founder and Members
of Institute of Science
Technology and Policy / ISTP
Member of the ETH Sustainability
Steering Committee
Informal Urbanism Regional
Hub of UN-Habitat Universities
Congratulations to our PhD researcher Michael Walczak, who sucessfully defended his work!
Entitled, 'Digital Urban Imaginaries: Digital models transforming citizen-centred design processes', the research was defended at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Angewandte).
This dissertation proposes a methodology of collecting, processing, and communicating DIGITAL URBAN IMAGINARIES, as a digital model and tool for citizen-centred urban design processes. The metrics presented in this doctoral thesis allows measuring a dynamic baseline of how citizens perception influences their decisions. DIGITAL URBAN IMAGINARIES’ impact on human perception and its power to mediate and improve exchange among citizens in urban transformation processes is at the core of this dissertation.
Doctoral Committee:
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag.arch. Anton Falkeis (Angewandte, Department for Special Topics in Architecture Design)
Univ.-Prof. Hubert Klumpner (ETH Zurich, Chair of Architecture and Urban Design)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reza S. Abhari (ETH Zurich, Laboratory for Energy Conversion)
Chair: Univ.-Prof. Mag.phil. Dr.phil. Matthias Boeckl (Angewandte, History of Architecture)
A link for a digital urban imaginary example can be found here (360-degree 3D VR Imaginary):