Chair of / Cátedra de /
Lehrstuhl für


Prof. Hubert Klumpner


Chair of Architecture and
Urban Design /  
Institute of Landscape- and
Urban Studies / LUS
Member of Network City and Landscape / NSL
Co-Director of ETH Wohnforum,
Centre for Architecture
Society and Environment / ETH Wohnforum / ETH CASE
Co-Founder and Members
of Institute of Science
Technology and Policy / ISTP
Member of the ETH Sustainability
Steering Committee
Informal Urbanism Regional
Hub of UN-Habitat Universities



"The NSL provides a great platform"

In a recent interview published on the NSL website, Prof. Klumpner, current head of the Institute, talks about the upcoming global challenges and their translation into concrete projects, which will be tackled as a logical consequence by students of architecture, urban design and spatial development working together.

For more information on the NSL, visit its website here: