Studio-Mobile Venice Sarajevo 2023
Studio-Mobil is an ephemeral nomadic stage providing a living lab for bridging research in sustainable architecture with human and environmental rights. Anchored between the 18th and 21st of May 2023, at the Global Campus for Human Rights, Monastery of San Nicoló at Lido, Venice, the ETHZ Chair of Architecture and Urban Design engages in an open discussion during the opening week of the 18th International Venice Architecture Biennale.
More than forty years ago, Aldo Rossi designed the “Teatro Del Mondo” a floating building for the 1980 Venice Architecture Biennale, which later traveled to socialist Yugoslavia. Today, Studio-Mobil is sailing in the opposite direction, from the Western Balkans to Venice. Paying tribute to the people of the culturally rich and diverse cities of Sarajevo, Rijeka, Tirana, Belgrade, and Dubrovnik, having endured shared histories of Venetian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian colonization, living through a century of socialism, urbicide, turbo-privatization, human-, environmental crisis. Studio-Mobil crosses the Adriatic Sea to the Global Campus for Human Rights (GCHR), Venice / Lido, disembarking an outdoor stage for direct engagement with local people, students, faculty, guests and participants of the Architecture Biennale.
We find ourselves in Venice and Sarajevo, between the Adriatic Sea and the Balkan Mountains, confronting multiple crises and uncertainties; climate change, migration, pandemics, inequality, war, environmental degradation, natural-and man-made disasters. At the same time, we see the need to create new kinds of collective actual and virtual spaces for exchange in our European cities. The growing information provided by science and technology raises complex questions about sustainable development, environmental-, and human rights agendas, and their relationship to culture and the arts. Based on our ongoing work in Sarajevo and the Western Balkans, the Chair of Architecture and Urban Design (ETHZ), the Global Campus for Human Rights (GCHR), and their Venice engagement are co-creating multidisciplinary perspectives on learning the city.
During the 2023 Architecture Biennale opening week 18-22 of May, we are staging Studio-Mobil as a nomadic knowledge-exchange platform. A performative architecture, exemplifying our approach to designing urban imaginaries in front of UCHR Headquarters Monastery of San Nicoló, in the Park of Human Rights, merging into the, Festa della Sensa and its Market organised by the City of Venice, VELA spa and the Proloco Association of Lido and Pellestrina. The Studio-Mobil design out of recycled offshore sails in cooperation between ETHZ Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, utt_next and Seidl Custom Sails. The gear wraps around a mobile research station featuring roof extensions and sheltered spaces, creating a scenographic image of a street theater anchoring at Lido, engaging citizens with a contemporary experience of a living architecture lab for Design connecting the arts, science, technology, and human rights by learning, research and outreach.

Hosted by the Global Campus for Human Rights, and initiated together with the ETHZ Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, supported by Days of Architecture Sarajevo and utt_next
Anne Graupner, Alejandro Jaramillo Quintero, Hubert Klumpner, Klearjos Papanicolaou, Michael Walczak and Marco Pagani
Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice, Italy -
Guests including (TBC)
Ruedi and Vera Baur (Paris / FR), Gruia Bâdescu (Konstanz / DE), Borića Crvena (Sarajevo / BiH), Teddy Cruz (San Diego / USA), Doreen Heng Liu (Shenzhen / CH), Anna Heringer (Laufen / DE), Manuel Herz (Basel / CH), Lilli Hollein (Vienna / AT), Momoyo Kaijima (Tokyo / J), Mitch Joachim (NY / USA), Regine Keller (Munich / D), Dunja Krvavac (Sarajevo / BiH), Andres Lepik (Munich/ D), Gabriela de Matos (Sao Paulo / BRA), Rahul Mehrotra (Mumbai / IN), Vedran Mimica (Chicago / USA), Nedim Mutevelić (Sarajevo / BiH), Maria-Gabriela Sarmiento, Irhana Šehović (Sarajevo / BiH), Jasmin Sirco (Sarajevo / BiH), (Zurich / CH), Harm Scheltens, (Utrecht / NL), Tina Steingräber, (Berlin / DE), Igor Sticks, (Sarajevo / BiH), Georgeen Theodore (NY/ USA), Weijen Wang (Hong Kong / CH), Christian Werthmann (Hannover / DE), Martha Thorn (Madrid / ES) , Heinrich and Ilze Wolff (Cape Town / SA)
Calendar: Day 1, Thursday, May 18th
16:30 pm Opening
22:00 pm Film Screening, Laufen Manifest for a more Human Design Culture, 1 and 2, in presence of the authors and directors -
Calendar: Day 2, Friday, May 19th
10:00 am Visualization of Human Rights in Architecture, Hubert Klumpner, Michael Walczak, Integral Paris Ruedi and Vera Baur, Rosa Luxembourg Foundation
14:00 pm GCHR, Venice Ca’Foscari
16:00 pm Visualization of Human Rights in Architecture, Integral Paris Ruedi and Vera Baur, guests
22:00 pm Film Screening: 'The Disappearance of Robin Hood', In presence of director Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou -
Calendar: Day 3, Saturday, May 20th
10:00 am ETHZ Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Sarajevo Days of Architecture Sarajevo, and utt_next. Olympic legacy, City Games / Digital Twin as infrastructure.
14:00 pm 16:00 pm 22:00 pm
11:00 am 12:00 am 16:00 pm
GCHR Venice, Ca’Foscari Climate Change, Tourism, Ecology, Housing
Eastern Europe CHR Sarajevo, Olympic Legacy, City Games, Migration.
Film Screening: 'Not just Roads', In presence of co-director Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou (co-director Nitin Bathla) -
Calendar: Day 4, Sunday, May 21st
Festa della Sensa Mass
Public engagement, review and conclusions
Closure and good bye -
Transport / Directions
Global Campus for Human Rights, Monastery of San Nicolò Lido, Venice, Italy. From Giardini Biennale A, B to Lido S.M.E, Lido S. Nicolò ACTV, public boat (vaporetto) line 8, Journey time 13 min. (