Diego Ceresuela-Wiesmann
Diego Ceresuela-Wiesmann is a Swiss-Spanish architect and urban designer with a masters degree from the Polytechnic School of Architecture in Madrid (ETSAM) where he graduated with honors. His final thesis received several awards and recognitions - from the Emerging New York Architects (AIA) to the Biannual Pasajes-Iguzzini International Award. He has worked in Madrid, Berlin, Zurich, New York and Medellín.
He is Co-Director of the Urban Transformation Program in Colombia UTPC (2014-2022) together with Prof. Hubert Klumpner, currently leading the Medellín-Satellite-Office. The goal of the Program is to promote sustainable urban development for vulnerable communities, improving urban equality and the access to integrated infrastructures for all, through research, knowledge transfer and the implementation of prototypes.
As part of this Program, the “Fabrica de Cultura” (School of Arts & Popular Traditions in Barranquilla), inaugurated in 2022, received the “International Architecture Award 2016” from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design.
As researcher, he has lectured at various architecture schools including Columbia University (GSAPP), Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Rice University Houston, the U. Pontificia Bolivariana, the U. Javeriana and the U. Andes in Colombia, among others.